Weekend is always my favorite time because it means I can catch up with movies or TV series. 

This weekend I updated myself with Grey's Anatomy Season 10. 

It was fantastic to be able catching up with the latest episodes. 

By watching all these TV series, I often feel like I learn something new. 

Maybe it was the jargons that I learn or the way things are and how I should cherish every moments. 

Grey's Anatomy is definitely a series I highly recommended to watch and really put yourself into a character and feels it. 

Other than watching Grey's Anatomy, I have also watch the movie "Frozen."

I love the movie. 

Awesome. Cute. Sweet. Bravery. Courage. Persistent. 

Those are words I would use to describle the movie. 

Olaf is so adorable, makes me totally in love with him. 

I love the way he always make things seem so optimistic!


One thing I learned from this movie is always to open up to people that loves and cares about you. 

It would definitely do you no harm and leads you to see a whole new different perpective. 


Beside the movie "Frozen," I recently went to the movie theater to see "Saving Mr. Bank."

Another highly recommended movie to watch.

saving mr. bank   

This movie makes you think about to your own childhood and its very touching. 

It shows how one can be so trap and struggle with the past. 


This movie is very good and words can't describle how I feel about this movie. 

Must watch to understand. haha 


Lastly, I love weekend's movie/ tv series time. 

My next target of TV series would the "News Room."

Lets see if it would turn out to be a great one too. 


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