

30 October 2013

Soccer Tournament

        Soccer is a team sport that needs team spirit and requires everyone to bond together. Throughout high school years, I participated in many different sports and one of my favorite sports was soccer. From playing soccer I learned so many things and experienced team spirit.

        While in high school we played against other American international schools in Taiwan. My senior year I played my last soccer tournament in Taiwan against many other international schools and we won third place; it was an unforgettable memory.

        In order to win the tournaments we had many practices throughout the season. We practiced five days a week and scrimmaged with the boys’ team to improve ourselves and to learn from our mistakes while we played. Not only did we scrimmaged with the boys we also practiced the basic foot skills, for example, how to dribbled a ball using feet. All the practices got us in to a better shape for competition and were able to learn from our mistakes during scrimmages and change our game strategies.

        During the tournament as a team we always had fun and most importantly we learned to cooperated and communicated on the field. The key to winning games is to listen to teammates and be positive even when we are not playing well. Overall, soccer is all about team spirit.

        After the tournament we enjoyed the victory that we worked hard for it. Also, we talked about the mistakes we made during the games and tried to figure out what to do to improve our skills and to be better. Therefore, soccer is a fun sport and people can always learn from it playing soccer. 


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