It has been raining for almost two weeks now. 

It feels super depress to see it rains everyday. 

It doesn't movtivated me it makes me want to skip classes. 


Do you like raining day? 


AH012130 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

May 19 is my birthday. 

This year it is a little different from all the other years. 

It is different because this year I am turning 20. 

It feels pretty strange. 

It feels there's more responsibilities and that I can't act like a child anymore. 

20 years old is another mile stone in life. 

I'm sure I will have to face and deal with a lot more things and that I will have to do it alone. 


I hope all my wishes will come true and have more courage when it comes to the time to face diffciult times. 

AH012130 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

It's already May!!!

Can't believe how fast time is going. 

In a few months time we will be a junior in university. 

Did you do any productives things over the past few months? 

If not, you should hold on to the remaining time and make good use of it. 


AH012130 發表在 痞客邦 留言(1) 人氣()

Recently the English departement hosted few speechs. 

The specking guests are fluent in both English and Chinese. 

Also, they give professional point of views. 


Have you all start to think of what you want to do after graduate from university? 

Some poeple choose to go to graduate school, and some decided to start working. 

Before making the decision one should take serious considerations. 


So what's your dream job? 

For me, I always consider myself as a business woman more. 

I don't see myself teaching children or translating for others in my future. 

Before knowing I have to stay in Taiwan for university I have a clear blueprint for my future. 

I know that I am going to major in International Business once I am accepted into one of the American University I apply. 

Now I have no idea what my futer or my career is going to be. 

Its a blur.

It feels sad and also lost 


Although feeling sad and lost, I know I still have to work hard and think about what I can do with my English major and what jobs I want to apply for 



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